EV Wall Business Installation, Serial number starting with 612xxxxxxx

EV Wall Business Installation, Serial number starting with 612xxxxxxx

Serial number starting with 612xxxxxxx

How to install EV Wall Business and configure it for smart charging.
In this course you’ll learn:
- To prepare the site and wiring
- Installation and configuration of the EV Wall Business

Important: this installation procedure is only for EV Wall Business units with a serial number starting with 612xxxxxxx. If you install a unit with a serial number starting with 61xxxxxxxx, refer to the other EV Wall Home installation course.

Last Update 17/07/2024
Completion Time 8 minutes
Members 57
English Intermediate Installer Project leader Smappee EV Wall Business
    • Smappee EV Wall Business Installation
    • Smappee EV Wall Business Installation
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